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Research Interests

I like to think about language, both from a theoretical perspective, as well as from a practical engineering perspective. These two perspectives will often collide, which makes life interesting.

Computational Linguistics/NLP

I am interested in situations where neural approaches to NLP struggle because of limited data, either for lack of data in general, or lack of resources in procuring data. Adjacent to this, I have an interest in neural machine translation and ways to make it accessible to under-served communities. My other interests in this area are in Information Extraction Systems and ways to capture complex dialog events. I also have a penchant for AI explainability and transparency.

Syntax of Adjectives

I am interested in the syntax and of adjectives cross-linguistically, especially with regards to their relationship with degree modifiers such as much.

Evolution of Language

I am interested in topics pertaining the evolution of language capability in humans. Specifically, I am interested in the phenomena of home-sign and emergent sign languages and how they can inform us on the conditions under which human language can arise.

Other Interests

When I'm not working on some language related problem, you can find me on hikes in the mountains or foraging wild mushrooms and berries. Sometimes, when I'm procrastinating, you might even find me replying to github issues of libraries I recently worked with.

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